Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The Complete Beginner's Guide to War Thunder

A Hurricane in War Thunder
If you’re a new player looking to get started in War Thunder, the multiplayer online World War II flight sim from Gaijin Entertainment, these guides may be of some help. They were first published in 2013 and are rather out of date now, the game has been heavily updated since and looks rather different, but most of the basics should still apply.

  1. Your First Battle – getting into action
  2. After Your First Battle – the results, new aircraft, further battles
  3. Upgrades – modifying aircraft for better performance
  4. Researching New Aircraft – more stuff to fly!
  5. Crew Skills and Repairing – training your crew, and knocking the dents out of crashed planes
  6. Arcade Mission Types – a brief overview of the Ground Strike and Domination mission types
  7. Aircraft Types – fighters, bombers and attackers
  8. General Air Combat – a few general tips on air combat
  9. Camouflage and Decals – personalising your plane
  10. Premium Options – spending real money (if you want to)
  11. Which Country Should I Play? – a whistle stop tour of the nations of War Thunder
  12. Other Game Modes – Realistic and Simulator Battles, Single Missions, Campaigns and Custom Battles
  13. Tank Battles – engage in ground forces combat with tanks and other armoured vehicles

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