Daily Archives: November 27, 2008

I am a part of all that I have met.

Just a quick post to let readers know that there is now a KiaSA group on Steam for those of you who expressed an interest in joining Zoso, myself and other KiaSA readers in playing Left 4 Dead and any other games that might take our collective fancy.

You mad buggers.

The group is called Soupy Twist (tag: ST) and it’s public for the time being, so feel free to join, say hello and then join hands in a joyous skip down winding country lanes as we slaughter the undead with wild uncaring abandon, while singing the Admiral’s song from Pinafore.

Now landsmen all, whoever you may be,
If you want to rise to the top of the tree,
If your soul isn’t fettered to an office stool,
Be careful to be guided by this golden rule–
Stick close to your desks and never go to sea,
And you all may be rulers of the Queen’s Navee!