Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Spam for the day.

In response to All Paths Blocked our APB traffic news spoof:

“Some readers just don’t realize, like my coworker who couldn’t interpret the real intention of this line on your article ‘… your traffic and travel news for this quiet balmy Monday lunchtime, we’ll have more …’ it also bring back to mind about the day I came across my long time friend.”

I for one have never been particularly excited when it comes to traffic and travel news on a balmy Monday lunchtime; just so long as you wiped the mess from your long time friend afterwards, I’m sure all was forgiven.

“Ooooh. Ooooh god, balmy Monday lunchtime traffic news! Oh yeah! YEAH! Yeaaaaaaahahahaha yeah! Haff. Haff. Haff.

Pardon me entirely, hold on I have a tissue here, let me just wipe that up. There. I’m sure that’ll wash out.”

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