Friday, 2 July 2010

Muse on MMOs.

Welcome to a new feature here on KiaSA, Muse on MMOs, where we analyse the lyrics of popular English alternative rock band Muse and show that they are all secret gurus of the MMO genre and have subverted the indie music scene with their hidden messages of advice and insight for MMO players around the world.

First up is the song New Born, lets have a look at what its lyrics tell us.

Link it to the world
Link it to yourself
Stretch it like a birth squeeze
The love for what you hide
For bitterness inside
Is growing like the new born
When you’ve seen, seen too much
Too young, young
Soulless is everywhere

A valuable lesson for all on the idolatry and linking of loot in guild chat, I think you’ll all agree.

Hopeless time to roam
The distance to your home
Fades away to nowhere

A damning indictment of Lord of the Rings Online’s travel times there, I fear.

How much are you worth?
You can’t come down to earth
You’re swelling up
You’re unstoppable
Cos you’ve seen
Seen too much
And too young

Ah, the endless dangers of ego inflation and inevitable burnout among raiding Main Tanks.

Soulless is everywhere
Destroy the spineless
Show me it’s real
Wasting our last chance
To come away
Just break a silence
Cause I’m drifting away
Away from you

It shouldn’t take one of England’s finest bands to tell people to defend their flag carrier in Warsong Gulch, but they do it anyway, thus helping hapless Alliance players everywhere. Such is the greatness and the generosity of Muse.

Proof, if ever there was made up proof, that Muse are secretly preaching the MMO gospel through the medium of progressive electronic rock opera.

See you next time on Muse on MMOs.

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