Wednesday 18 April 2007

I get my sweet reward

I took a little jaunt to the Shadow Labyrinth last night, so I could pick up the Book of Fel Names and a couple of others could grab a key fragment for Karazhan. It was a splendid run with a party that really clicked together, just one total wipe from being feared into extra groups. There were a couple of other deaths along the way, though... me, to be precise, getting myself killed both during the Blackheart the Inciter fight (savagely beaten by my own team, for shame!) and Murmur (slight orientation confusion meant I ran the wrong way and got hit by a Sonic Boom, then got the Touch of Murmur while slowed to a crawl, far from the healers with Cloak of Shadows on cooldown from a previous Touch). Still, thankfully I proved superfluous as the rest of the team finished off the two bosses; either that or it was my morale boosting post-death commentary that made all the difference.

You might remember my last visit to the place provoked a rant about Dungeon 3 sets; after the Helm of Assassination dropped for me on the first attempt in Acratraz, I could hardly hope for the Leggings on my next instance run, but, on clicking Murmur... there they were! The pendulum of loot has certainly swung in my favour since my "WAH I GOT NO SHINY THINGS" post (as the only leatherworker, I'd also picked up a Stylin' Purple Hat pattern earlier in the instance), so obviously I take back everything I posted previously and am now a true believer in random rolls on loot tables. Well, maybe not, but at least I don't feel quite so personally gypped by the universe at large. The rest of the party might not be of quite the same opinion; the other boss loot consisted of two "well, if nobody else wants it, I s'pose I can at least theoretically equip it and there's no enchanter so I might as well take it" items, and two that didn't even make it that far, not a great return for them.

1 comment:

Melmoth said...

but at least I don't feel quite so personally gypped by the universe at large. The rest of the party might not be of quite the same opinion

If you make me a Stylin' Purple Hat, I'll find it in my heart to forgive you.