KiaSAcast Episode 9

For those of you who are not monitoring our podcast RSS feed or stalking us on the Twitterverse, brace your main hats and hang on to your sails, because we’re pleased to announce that it’s time for KiaSAcast episode nine.

In this episode we talk about what we’re back to playing.

This episode of the podcast includes:

– Introduction

– What we’re back to playing, including::

     – Lord of the Rings Online

     – World of Warcraft

Download KiaSAcast Episode Nine

6 thoughts on “KiaSAcast Episode 9

  1. Dr Toerag

    What is the music at the start and end of the show? I need it for my mp3 player.
    Good to hear another show, they are coming regularly now, which pleases me no end :).

  2. Melmoth Post author

    It’s ‘Look Out, There’s a Monster Coming’ by The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band; you can blame m’colleague for selecting it and inflicting its infectiously groovy tones upon you all.

  3. FraidOfTheLight

    Another great show guys!

    I empathise with your account of returning to WoW. I’ve been away for over a year, and was mulling coming back for Cataclysm.

    A week for arranging the UI may not be too crazy. Given warlocks’ penchant for buttons, I had macros and add-ons to reduce the number of visible buttons to about 50 (plus more on sub-menus). I dread to think how I’m going to manage if these features no longer work… :-S

    Meanwhile, minstrelling in Middle-Earth is good fun. In what other game can you play music from Ghostbusters or Star Wars on a lute?

  4. Melmoth Post author

    I can also heartily recommend the A-Team theme tune for any group just starting out on a dungeon run.

    And the Muppet theme tune for the end of the run when everybody is dead.

  5. Dr Toerag

    I think another show you could rock would be “How to Look Good Naked”. Show people with overly personalised UI’s how to be happy with the vanilla display :).

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