6 thoughts on “KiaSA Top Tips.

  1. Melmoth Post author

    It’s Welcome Back Week in LotRO Europe at the moment; time to turn off Advice, Regional, LFF, Say, Emote, Tells…

    When free-to-play arrives can we have global channels be purchasable for Ninety Hundred Zillion Turbine points for anyone who isn’t a VIP?

  2. Efithor

    Any fanboy will die for his game, from World of Warcraft to Dwarf Fortress. When paying visit to a game’s “Official” Forum, just follow the golden rule: All games suck, except for this one, which still sucks, but not as hard.

  3. Melmoth Post author

    @Klepsacovic: Perhaps we need to get their parents to teach them that, like certain other teenage activities, it would be better if they did it quietly behind closed curtains in the privacy of their own room, rather than in the middle of the street for everyone to see. And that they clean up after themselves.

    @Efithor: “Any fanboy will die for his game”

    A theory that really hasn’t been put to the test often enough.

  4. nugget

    “When free-to-play arrives can we have global channels be purchasable for Ninety Hundred Zillion Turbine points for anyone who isn’t a VIP?”


    PWE games charge you for chatting on global channel… about U$0.30 per chat, I believe. O.O

    I may be pricing that too high, I’ve never bought one of their global chat channel tokens sooo…

  5. Melmoth Post author

    Interesting! I might have to do a bit more research into that.

    I think in my MMO, players would be charged per misspelled word. ‘lol’, ‘:)’ and others would also be charged for on RP servers. Mentioning World of Warcraft’s greatness would drain the player’s bank account and then kick them from the game.

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