Daily Archives: May 4, 2008

A Week in the Life of an MMO Addict: Sunday

Sunday, 0000 hours
Still grinding mobs for XP. Five levels to go.

0100 hours
Still grinding mobs for XP. Five levels to go.

0200 hours
Still grinding mobs for XP. Five levels to go.

0300 hours
Still grinding mobs for XP. Five levels to go.

0400 hours
Still grinding mobs for XP. Five levels to go.

0500 hours
Still grinding mobs for XP. Four levels to go.

0501 hours
Belay that, still five levels to go. Turns out it was actually church bells ringing, not the “ding” sound for level 46.

0515 hours
DING LEV… no, wait, church bells again.

0530 hours
DING LEV… no, wait, church bells again.

0545 hours
More church bells, well, they’re not catching me out this time!

0547 hours
Turns out I dinged level 46 two minutes ago.

0600 hours
Still grinding mobs for XP. Four levels to go. Haven’t slept for thirty hours, but no ill efefcts notiacble.

0700 hours
Stlil grindign mobs fro XP. Fuor levesl to go.

0800 hours
Stlil ginrdign mbso fro XP. Furo lveesl to og.

0900 hours
liSlt gdnriign smob rfo PX. ruFo lvesle ot og.

1000 hours
liilt gdnrSign sofb rmo Pu. rXFo lveoes tl og.

1100 hours