Thought for the day.

Compare and contrast:

In PvP you start out as the lowest of the low; your entire aim at this time is to struggle and fight fruitlessly against those who are already established in order to improve your standing, while the established take great delight in picking on you and impaling you with their purple weapons. Eventually though, through nothing more than attrition and sticking in there, you become one of the established and powerful people yourself, at which point you take great delight in punishing the newcomers; for is it not the case that you had to go through the self same thing? And thus the newcomers feel the sting of your purple weapon.

In the archetypal all-boys boarding school you start out as the lowest of the low; your entire aim at this time is to struggle and fight fruitlessly against those who are already established in order to improve your standing, while the established take great delight in picking on you and impaling you with their ‘purple weapons’. Eventually though, through nothing more than attrition and sticking in there, you become one of the established and powerful people yourself, at which point you take great delight in punishing the newcomers; for is it not the case that you had to go through the self same thing? And thus the newcomers feel the sting of your ‘purple weapon’.

PvP: the homoerotic boarding school simulator of MMOs.

2 thoughts on “Thought for the day.

  1. sean

    Very scary but honest comparison there…great blog btw, glad to see you are still sharing your thoughts with the world.

  2. Melmoth

    Glad to be back! I just hope that the world doesn’t recoil too hard when I start emptying my brain onto the Internet again, otherwise I might end up contributing to the Milankovitch cycles, or knock it out of orbit and into the Sun.

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